How to Manage exam related stress


Stress is an inevitable aspect of every human being. It is a normal response to pressure.  The body is designed to manage or counter stress. Stress becomes a problem when it becomes overwhelming and affects your day-to-day functioning. Whenever an individual experiences a stressful situation, the body goes into a flight or fight mode. This response involves the release of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone,  which enables an individual to stay on high alert to deal with a stressful situation. Exam-related stress can be defined as a feeling of worry and pressure that comes around assessment-taking situations. Exam-related stress is common and affects most, if not all students. Whereas it is normal to feel pressured around and during exam time, studies indicate that a large percentage of students experience exam-related stress, and if not managed properly, it can negatively impact their mental health.

 Students experiencing stress may exhibit various physical symptoms, including nervousness, moodiness, tension, difficulty sleeping or getting out of bed, rapid heartbeat, headaches, nausea, fatigue, and stomach rumbling. Additionally, they may experience mental symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts, feeling mentally blank, and experiencing dread. The reasons for stress can vary, including pressure to succeed, lack of preparation, time constraints, Pressure from Parents/ guardians, Comparing oneself to others, unresolved personal issues, and challenges related to mental and physical health.

 How to cope with Exam-related Stress:

Create a timetable or schedule that will help with planning for your study sessions. Feeling overwhelmed by numerous subjects is common, but breaking them down into manageable chunks can alleviate stress.

Utilize study methods that work for you, whether it is group study or individual study.

It is common to snack or eat junk food when you are stressed. However, unhealthy fatty food and snacks high in sugar leave you feeling sluggish, heavy, sleepy and you might experience mental fog. So, it’s best to eat a healthy diet, high in vegetables, and drink plenty of water. Healthy food is easy on your digestive system, ensuring your body absorbs the necessary nutrients and your mind remains alert. Students often find themselves staying up late cramming for exams. However, it is important to get quality sleep. During sleep, you relearn what you have studied during the day. The brain processes what you have studied throughout the day and that helps in understanding concepts. The body also gets time to rest, therefore reducing the risk of mental and physical fatigue.

Take healthy breaks in between study sessions.  You can decide to do some physical exercises that you can manage without overexerting yourself. Exercises such as swimming, walking, running, jogging, and stretching exercises are a good way of releasing tension in the body and boosting the feel-good hormones, which can help alleviate stress.

Take breaks from  social media, as wasting too much time on social media often leads to procrastination and can be mentally and visually exhausting.

When you feel overwhelmed, talk to someone–it could be a counsellor, a mentor, parent/ guardian, a fellow student. They can help you manage the situation. You are not alone. Finally, take it a moment at a time without fixating too much on the outcome.  

Article written by: Psychology Department

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