Why settle for the horizon when the stars are within reach? ~ Gregory Theuri LL.B #ClassOf2024 Graduate


A young Gregory Theuri had a dream. His dream was to join politics  and change the world. But fast forward to his highschool and post form four days,  his ambitions took a surprising turn.  

During an open day, he was captivated by the Strathmore LLB program‘s unique teaching style. He realized he wanted to pursue a career in law. .

The rest, as they say, is history.

But then a plot twist – You know that guy in class who always seemed to have it all figured out?  Well, Gregory Theuri wasn’t that guy. At least not at first.

Gregory’s initial years at university were marked by the typical hallmarks of a freshman—forges of friendships and the exploration of campus life, his study books often closed, collecting whispers of forgotten knowledge.

But within Gregory, something was brewing—a fierce determination to not just participate in the legal discourse but to dominate it. He set his eyes on the prize: a first-class degree. As he put it, “I got a revelation, and suddenly, I wanted to get a first-class degree in law.”

“But then I also knew that someone does not simply walk into a first class in law,” he adds.

Gregory was ambitious and driven. He threw himself into his studies, spending countless hours in the library. He engaged in riveting debates with classmates and soaked up every bit of legal knowledge he could. 

The more he did, the more he realized that in law, there is no ‘right’ answer; rather, it is the constant and consistent exposure to reading, researching and the interpretation of legal texts that makes all the difference.

As he delved deeper into his academic journey, he posed an intriguing question to his mentor, Kevin Muchemi. Was it better to focus on obtaining a first-class degree or actively participating in co-curricular activities?

Kevin’s answer was simple “Grasp both, one teaches you law, and the other teaches you life.” 

Two years later, Gregory has his answer. With a first-class degree in one hand and an impressive array of extracurricular accomplishments, including winning the 2024 Strathmore Tax Hackathon and interning at the Institute of Family Studies under the steady yet loving hand of Dr Jane Wathuta.  

His recent victory in the Tax Hackathon has also earned him an internship at the accounting powerhouse PricewaterhouseCoopers .

Gregory credits his success to God, his family, friends, and the cooperation between the SLS  class of 2024 . “We were all in it together, and that made all the difference. I will remember our  study sessions, and the occasional football match to blow off steam.”

“Dr Wathuta taught me that being a great lawyer isn’t just about knowing the law,” Gregory explains. “It’s about understanding people, about being able to see things from their perspective.”

 His favorite part of the SU experience was the academic trip to the Netherlands, which exposed him to diverse legal frameworks across the world and expanded his professional outlook. 

But Gregory’s journey didn’t stop there. He attended the Tigoni Leadership seminar, a highly competitive experience organized by the mentoring department, which he says greatly helped him not only as a professional but as a person. 

Of course, no conversation with Gregory would be complete without mentioning his love of football. He recalls the occasional football matches with his classmates or as he fondly refers to them “the boys”. And afterwards, they would indulge in some delicious nyama choma. Because what’s the point of all that hard work if you can’t treat yourself ?

Now, with a first-class law degree and a string of achievements under his belt, Gregory is gearing up for the Kenya School of Law, the final hurdle before officially becoming an advocate.  He’s also planning to take data protection and arbitration courses, because let’s face it, this guy just loves to learn. 

And if you ask him if he has any regrets about abandoning his political aspirations, he just smiles. “I was always interested in politics, but I realized that changing things from the outside-in required a deeper understanding of the system. Law offered me that,” he says, his eyes sparkling with conviction. 

Yet, despite his many accomplishments, Gregory remains humble and grounded. His message to his juniors is, “there’s no replacement for the written word. And, with the right attitude, you can achieve greatness too.””

Oh, and if you ever catch him at Strathmore, the first one to yell “Silence in  court!” wins a plate of nyama choma on him—i jest, or do i?

Article written by: Keith Albert

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