“To be, or not to be, that is the question”


Many of us ponder these words by Shakespeare in a soliloquy by Hamlet (it is okay to google it) from time to time as we grapple with the “what ifs” in life. But as shared in this piece, it takes guts and patience while meandering such yonder. Let’s take a few minutes and “hear” what our very own has to say.

Never Walk Alone

Liverpool fans mpo? 

Meet Beverlyne, whose journey of self-discovery continues to be challenged and enriched at Strathmore. Her entry to the university was through a computer course she took right after form four, driven by the need to keep busy. It was during her studies that she met the late Dr. Gikonyo (may her soul rest in eternal peace) who informed her of an opportunity to earn some pocket money at Pate’s kitchen as a kitchen assistant.  This opening not only offered a space to be creative with food but also an opportunity to navigate the tough days while working the dough.  Well, it goes without saying that her cooking and food prep skills significantly improved, thanks to Dr. Gikonyo who became the fan that flamed her to keep going.  

What are some of the memorable experiences you have had at the university this far?

Over the years, I was able to move from the back kitchen to other roles within the Pate Cafeteria. Currently, I work in the School of Tourism and Hospitality. Here, I get to interact more with students, faculty and parents.  During the Covid 19 pandemic, as my contract was nearing its end, uncertainty loomed over what would transpire, especially with the university under lockdown.  Thankfully, an opportunity to offer administrative support to online classes came along. I dived into it; though I experienced hiccups working with the zoom platform at the beginning, I got a hang of it. I can attest that getting started is the kick start of uncertainty. I soldiered on!

What has kept you going? 

Kujituma! Also, while away from home, I have received great support from the Strathmore family. In addition, personal care has helped me unlock my inner strength. This doesn’t entail striving for perfection in all I do or emulating others, but rather being aware of who I am as an individual and continually working to ameliorate. Moreover, I am relearning to pay attention to my mental health and to listen to my physical body. Take for instance, do you ever feel that your body does not feel right only to go to the doctors and after consultation the outcome is that you are exhausted (experiencing burnout?) Remember, life will continue to throw punches to all of us but it is our responsibility to intentionally choose to take care of ourselves.  In line with our theme of the year, “Sustainability, caring for people and planet”, maintaining personal wellness enables us to positively impact the lives of others, making the planet a hub of endless splendor. 

Any final word for our reader

Sure, I encourage each one of us to embrace courage. I have decided that money should not be a restriction to getting started. Somehow, you will always have enough. I firmly believe that God has ways of surprising us all just when we think we have hit rock bottom. 


Article Written by Annete Karanja 

What’s your story? We’d like to hear it. Contact us via communications@strathmore.edu


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