How much Spanish do you know?


Sitting on the benches between Strathmore University Business School (SBS) and Student Center while taking in the sights, sounds and smells of nature and fresh air, Roy Kinuthia takes a walk down memory lane reminiscing about four amazing years.

“In 2018, I remember being excited after learning that I got admitted to Strathmore University to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (BIS). My first years of campus life were moments of experiment, savouring a newfound liberty, and a time to explore the facilities at the institution. A quick glance into the class, one could literally count the number of male students. In comparison to the number of ladies, the gentlemen were a handful.

Any unit that was taught by Dr. Wanjiku Kaniaru or Dr. Maureen Syallow or Dr. Ochieng’ Kamudhayi were classes that I thoroughly enjoyed and could never miss. These were the best lecturers for their passion and mode of delivery were exceptional making one look forward to the next class. Units such as Communications Skills improved my interpersonal communication skills and public speaking as we frequently had presentations. I took a keen interest in International Security Studies and Foreign Policy; learning about them was fascinating. My interest grew and I subsequently joined Kenya Model United Nations (KMUN), a club which played a significant role in me getting a fair understanding how international relations works as well as how states diplomatically negotiate and deliberate on promoting sustainable development. In the 19th Session (2020), just before COVID-19 struck, I got the opportunity to debate and represent a country in the third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, Social, Humanitarian and Cultural committee (SOCHUM) at the United Nations in Gigiri. It was a life changing opportunity and exposure, especially being an International Studies student.

Learning Spanish through immersion

“¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?” Maybe a greeting you have heard often. But have you ever thought of taking your Spanish a bit further than just these three words? Recently, after the COVID-19 regulations were eased, the School Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) organized an international academic trip to Spain and Paris!

Having studied Spanish, the trip was one not to miss. From conversing with locals to ordering food in Spanish, to being a translator to my friends as we navigated the streets of Spain: The experience was amazing and remains etched in my memory.

My greatest achievements

A First Class Honours degree. A symbol of academic excellence and discipline. This meant “lockdowns” in the University library and sleepless nights and forgoing leisure while fitting oneself with blinders just to stay focused on the end goal.

Huge accolades to my parents who were instrumental in my success. Seeing how hardworking they were in their career fields motivated and pushed me to achieve greater heights and make them proud.

G.K, my mentor. Words can not describe describe the impact of having a support system continually rooting for me. He kept me on track. From the words of advice on my research papers and assignments, to lending a listening ear to words of encouragement. That propelled me to achieve my greatest potential. I am forever grateful for his helping hand.

Parting shot

Graduating means closing one chapter and beginning another. I am eager to take the next step in life. As an ardent reader of books, I enjoy competitive sports to keep myself level headed like swimming, athletics and football.


Roy Kinuthia – Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (BIS), #Classof2022.


This article was written by Jemmy Kamau.

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