Bat meeting ball: The story of Sukhdeep


Conventional sports aside, allow me to introduce you to something new. Picture this: a sun-kissed field, the sound of laughter floating through the air, and the echo of a bat meeting a ball. These are the sights and sounds of cricket – a game of teamwork and skill.

In case you’ve never heard about cricket: imagine baseball, but with way longer games, fancier vocabulary, and players who wear what looks like a mix of polo gear and hockey helmets.

A bat-and-ball game featuring two teams of 11 players each, battling it out on a circular grass field. While the rules may seem initially complicated, don’t shy away! It is only a matter of time before you find yourself gripped by the  enjoyable nature of the game, where talent and strategy is king.

Still not convinced? Maybe the inspiring story of Strathmore’s very own Sukhdeep Singh will change your mind.

Fueled by the unwavering support of his parents and loved ones, Sukhdeep began playing cricket at just eight years of age at the Sikh Union Club in Nairobi.  At 15, he was already representing Kenya on the world stage, becoming the youngest player on the Kenyan squad at the U19 World Cup in New Zealand. Ooh, I forgot to say he was the captain of the Kenya U19 team in 2018 during the world qualifiers.

Sukhdeep tells me that he relies on his role models like AB de Villiers and national team captain  Rakep Patel to guide him in  the world of cricket – where complex rules like “wickets” and “howzats” might send a newcomer running for the hills. He has however stepped up to the crease and faced every challenge with a determination to uplift his community, aided by his infectious love for the game.

Now, he prepares to represent his University, his country, and the cherished sport of cricket on an international stage from the  9th to the 21st of June  at  the Nairobi Gymkhana, and it’s time for us to come together as a community.

So why should you root for Sukhdeep and come out in support? Well, for starters, how often do you get to cheer on a homegrown hero who’s not only representing our country on the international level but doing so with such charisma and charm?

Furthermore, cricket’s blend of strategy, athleticism, and intense competition combine to form a thrilling spectator experience that’s unlike any other sport. Whether you’re a die-hard cricket fan or simply curious about what the fuss is about, attending the games will leave you with a newfound appreciation for this truly unique game.

Trust me  – by the time you leave, you’ll be counting down the days until the next match, and you might  find yourself picking up that cricket bat, ready to chase your own dreams to the stars!

Did I mention that anyone can play cricket? Yes, you heard that right!

This article was written by Keith Albert. 

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