Master of Applied Philosophy and Ethics

The Masters in Applied Philosophy and Ethics is designed to provide an overview of the role of a manager or leader in shaping the ethics of an organization. It also provides a theoretical foundation in philosophy through which each individual can apply the ethical principles to personal and professional situations.

  • Through a background of Philosophy, students are able to use what they have learnt to create and sustain an ethical organizational culture with a clear understanding of the nature of ethics, and the role ethics plays in business.

  • This not only enables them to solve the most commonly encountered ethical dilemmas faced in an organization or company but provides practical advice on the general strategies for managing ethics with philosophical tools used in shaping the ethical culture of a team, work group or organization.

Policy makers like politicians, government officers, lawyers, doctors, military and security professionals, development officers, program directors, human resource personnel and psychologists who are interested in the development of the human areas of their profession; and any professional interested in philosophy or ethics.

Intake: May and September

Classes are all day (8 a.m -5 p.m)

2 years

2 weeks every quarter (3 months)

1. Competitive skills: Strathmore aims to help you develop leadership skills, which will be useful in the world of work. Your investment will have a high return in terms of your competitive advantage.

2. Realistic approach: You will adopt a reflective, analytical, participative approach to education and consequently to your career.

3. Great counsel: Our lecturers and coaches are experts in their respective fields and they will be a resource to help you develop a new perceptive and see new opportunities.

4. Powerful networks: You will learn from and alongside diverse, talented classmates as you share a transformative journey together. As such, you will develop a network of friends and contacts that will last a lifetime.

5. Exceptional learning experience: You will acquire skills to take on any challenge and think critically backed by solid fundamental knowledge. As a result, you will gain hands-on-experience to tackle real life.

- Holders of First Class or Upper Second degrees in any academic field from recognized universities; or

- Holders of Lower Second Class degrees plus Postgraduate Diplomas or Certificates in any field of study; or with at least two years working experience in teaching, managerial or research responsibilities; and

- You must have had at least a C+ mean grade at KCSE or its equivalent.


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