
Strathmore University is a fully fledged university with a Vice Chancellor, three Deputy Vice Chancellors, the University Secretary, a number of senior management staff, the University Council, the Management Board, the Academic Council, and various committees.



Legal Status

On April 23rd, 2008, His Excellency Mwai Kibaki, President of the Republic of Kenya granted a Charter to Strathmore University. The Charter provides for the establishment, control, governance, and administration of the university and for connected purposes, in the manner prescribed by the Universities Act (Chapter 210b, Laws of Kenya).

Strathmore University is sponsored by Strathmore Educational Registered Trustees (SERT), a non-profit body corporate with perpetual succession, established under the Trustee (Perpetual Succession) Act (Chapter 164 of the Revised Laws of Kenya 1962 edition).

Legal Requirements

–  Trust Deed

–  Strathmore University Charter


Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz Braña is the Chancellor of Strathmore University as prescribed by Section 10 of the Strathmore University Charter. He was born in Paris in 1944 and studied Physical Sciences at the University of Barcelona. He graduated in Theology from the Pontifical Lateran University in 1969 and obtained his PhD from the University of Navarra in 1971. That same year he was ordained a priest.

He is the author of numerous philosophical and theological works such as The Mystery of Jesus Christ (Theology Textbooks, 1998) and God as Father: In the Message of Blessed Josemaria Escriva (1998) among others. He has also been a consultant to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since 1986 and a member of the Pontifical Roman Theological Academy since 1989.

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz Braña


University Council

The University Council is a body established by the Trustees to govern the University and assist in promoting its foundational and educational aims. The membership of the University Council is prescribed and legally established by Article 13 of Part III of the Strathmore University Charter (Legal Notice No. 86 of the 23rd June 2008).

Bernadette Musundi

Bernadette Musundi

Dr. Vincent Ogutu

Dr. Vincent Ogutu

Mr. Fernando Aizpun

Mr. Fernando Aizpun

Christine Ochieng

Christine Ochieng

Mr. David Owino

Mr. David Owino

Prof. Timothy Waema

Prof. Timothy Waema

Dr. Susan Kibue

Dr. Susan Kibue

Dr. Elizabeth Gachenga

Dr. Elizabeth Gachenga

Ex-officio Member
Dr. Edward Mungai

Dr. Edward Mungai

Ex-officio Member
Prof. Izael Pereira Da Silva

Prof. Izael Pereira Da Silva

Ex-officio Member
Mr. Anthony Kahindi

Mr. Anthony Kahindi

Ex-officio Member

Management Board

Dr. Vincent Ogutu

Dr. Vincent Ogutu

Vice Chancellor
Dr. Elizabeth Gachenga

Dr. Elizabeth Gachenga

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic& Students Affairs)
Prof. Izael Da Silva

Prof. Izael Da Silva

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Dr. Edward Mungai

Dr. Edward Mungai

Deputy Vice-Chancellor(Planning and Development)
Mr. Anthony Kahindi

Mr. Anthony Kahindi

University Secretary
Mrs. Anna Makomu-Njuguna

Mrs. Anna Makomu-Njuguna

Executive Director, People and Culture
Mr. Vincent Ndoloka

Mr. Vincent Ndoloka

Executive Director, Finance
Ms. Dorina Telaide

Ms. Dorina Telaide

Director, Administration Services